
Wednesday 2 November 2011

Results for the Christmas Giveaway

TA DA - I have just entered all the numbers into to get the results for the giveaway.  And the winning number matches up with entry number 6 - littlechalmers - congratulations I will be sending you an email shortly :)
Thank you all for entering.

Tuesday 25 October 2011

Universal Craft Blog Directory

If you have a craft blog, pop on over to CraftyRie and enter your details for her new Universal Craft Blog Directory!  Then invite your readers to do the same :)
Click on the button to go to the blog:


If you don't have a blog - pop on over anyway and you might just find an exciting new craft blog to follow.

Saturday 15 October 2011

Christmas Giveaway

Want to win a gorgeous Little Peanuts Christmas Gift set?
Set consists of: Absorbent adjustable bib & baby taggy giraffe

Here are the guidelines to enter to win:
1. Open to New Zealand Residents
2. Entries close November 1st 2011
3. Winner chosen by the random number generator

Leave a comment below to enter and tell me:
As an adult, what is something you would tell Santa you wanted - while sitting on his lap?

{Please make sure you leave your email address with your entry - so I can contact the winner}

Share the news about this giveaway and receive an extra entry:
1. Facebook – Share the news about this giveaway on Facebook with a link to this post.
Blog about this giveaway. Leave a link to your blog post in a comment below.

Wednesday 12 October 2011

A busy, busy bee!

I have been MIA lately :) 
Busy gearing up for the summer market season, I have booked in for 4 markets at Remarkables Markets, Queenstown on 5, 19 November and 3, 17 December. 
Also you will find me at the Arrowtown Post Office Market Day on Tuesday 27 December - which is a great day to come and explore all that Arrowtown offers :)

This past month I have been busy building up stocks of gorgeous satin taggy blankets

plenty of baby bibs too - I have had some great customer feedback on the bibs, and I have increased the length of the bibs to give more coverage :)

And I am currently in the process of stuffing and sewing up 20 taggy giraffes - I love these wee guys, a perfect size for baby to hold - what do you think?

Sunhats are all the rage as summer draws closer!! 
I now have a selection of sunhats for babys & toddlers, and will be looking at expanding the range later this month to include a wider selection of sizes.

Here is a gorgeous photo of Miss Amelia exploring the garden in one of my latest hats and these can be found on my website

I hope you are all enjoying spring so far, the weather has been fabulous and I must get out and finish preparing the vege garden - I really need to get the potatoes planted very soon.  Or there will not be any new potatoes for Christmas!!

Tuesday 20 September 2011

Thinking about Christmas

I have started thinking about Christmas and what crafty projects to make - and trying not to make what I see others are currently doing!!
So in the end I have decided to make Gift Sacks with felt appliques added :)

This reindeer was the first one done, I think he is my favourite - looks quite cute don't you think?

And Santa is the 2nd attempt this morning - quite a bit more work involved than the reindeer, I also have a template I made for a snowman and that will be the next option.

Which one is your favourite?  - I would love to know, as I am thinking of making a few to take to the markets in November.

Wednesday 14 September 2011

My website is finished!!

Yay - I have finally finished the website for on-line shopping, and have been spending a bit of time tweaking all the bits & pieces.  Takes quite some time as I know nothing about script!  But have managed to made a few changes to my template.  Have a browse and let me know what you think (I hope I have fixed all hiccups) and share with any friends you think might be interested :)

I just need to get a few more photos sorted - I find they are the hardest part of the creation process.  Now that the weather is warmer I can get the kids outside for a few photos to see how they all turn out. 

Sunday 11 September 2011

Spring Update

wow - it is forever since I posted on here, life has been very full on at the moment.  Sewing madly to keep stock levels up and doing the family thing keep me occupied!
I am in the process of creating my very first website - so stay tuned for the opening, which will be very soon as I am almost finished tweaking all the little bits & pieces (so I hope) - has taken me quite some time as I know absolutely nothing about websites and templates etc. 
I hope you are all enjoying the start of spring and have loads of things to look forward to (like Christmas!!) - which reminds me I am about to start a little sewing project for the kids next week that involves Christmas.  Will post photos with the results :)

Friday 24 June 2011

June is busy!

Well haven't had much time to myself this month!  I have been a very busy little sewing bee so far. 
My to-do list is getting longer - but I have managed to complete my fabric baby books and am very happy with the end result.
Next up on the list is some very cute apron style bibs for babies - will be great made from the gorgeous retro fabric I have set aside for them, now I just have to set aside some time to complete them :)

Thursday 9 June 2011

Back from Holiday

We are all back from a well deserved holiday - to a place certainly a lot warmer than here at the moment!!  Been waking up to very cold mornings and huge frosts.
The sewing machine had a well deserved break too :) 
But am now straight back into my list of bits and pieces I want to catch up on now I have replenished alot of fabric stocks.
The last couple of days have been spent making up some gorgeous taggy blankets using flannel, satin and a luxurious super cuddly coral fleece.  Using the coral fleece was a bit of a challenge much harder to work with than any other fabric I have used before!  But I got there in the end - yay, and am very happy with the finished products.
You can view any of my finished projects at

Tuesday 17 May 2011

Just starting out

Hi, I have decided to start up a blog for all those lovely people who want to follow it :)
Bear with me as I sort out this new blog and find out what everything does.
I have slowed down on my sewing at the moment as winter sets in and Amelia becomes more active meaning less time for me lol (so the sewing gets pushed aside until after the kids, dinner, bedtime etc!!